Does Your Partner Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can substantially impact your partner’s health and your quality of sleep. Your partner might have sleep apnea if their loud snoring is keeping you from a good night’s sleep. However, not everyone who snores is dealing with sleep apnea and not everybody who has sleep apnea snores. If […]

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Strategies to Avoid Noise-Related Hearing Loss

The typical summer day is likely filled with fun experiences and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family outings to fireworks to sporting events. And while most of these activities are safe, many can present invisible risks to your hearing health. That’s because loud noises, over time, can damage your ability to hear. A loud motorcycle […]

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What is Post-Nasal Drip and How can it be Controlled?

It can be incredibly aggravating to have a constant tickle in the back of your throat. No amount of coughing or throat clearing seems to do any good, and in some cases, you develop a sore throat and hoarseness. You don’t feel sick, but something is definitely amiss. The likely cause is an excess of […]

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How to Make Summer Social Activities Easier With Hearing Loss

Summer is synonymous with sunshine, relaxation, and plenty of social events. But enjoying these summer activities can be a real challenge for individuals who have hearing loss. Fear not, as with a little preparation and consideration, you can make sure that your summer experiences are still enjoyable. Get the most out of summer with these […]

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Hypertension and Hearing Loss

Did you realize that high blood pressure can also increase your chance of developing age-related hearing loss? Age-related hearing loss usually begins to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. You probably won’t even detect your progressing hearing loss even though it’s an irreversible condition. Years of noise damage is typically the cause. So how […]

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Is Your Tinnitus Being Caused by Your Environment?

Tinnitus is an extremely common condition of the ear. Some estimates indicate that 10 percent of people have tinnitus at one point or another, making it one of the most common health conditions in the world. The condition manifests as a sound in the ear that isn’t actually there, normally, it’s a buzzing or ringing, […]

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Humidity Can Have a Substantial Affect on Sinus Health

Do you have a much more difficult time when it’s really humid outside? It’s not just about feeling steamy; it could also be impacting the health of your sinuses. High humidity levels can frequently aggravate sinus infections, also known as sinusitis. Symptoms of a sinus infection Discomfort and an overall disruption of your day-to-day life […]

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It’s a Mistake to Hold Off Hearing Loss Treatment – Here’s Why

Between hectic schedules and the disruptions of events, it’s all too easy to put off important appointments, such as those with a hearing specialist or for fitting hearing aids. You might not even get around to shopping for hearing aids whatsoever. But hearing loss affects more than only your ears and delaying treatment can have […]

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Safeguard Your Hearing With These 4 Practices

Our ears are frequently what carry the load of unintentional harm from neglect in our hectic day-to-day lives. There are a few common but dangerous practices, like making use of cotton swabs and ear candling, that will put your hearing health in peril. Below, we explore four essential strategies to safeguard your sense of hearing […]

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The Connection Between Balance and Hearing Loss

Your health can be significantly affected by falling down and as you age, this is especially true. That’s why more thoroughly understanding the possible causes of falls is so essential. This type of awareness can help you avoid situations where you’re more likely to trip and sustain an injury. Researchers have learned, for instance, that […]

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