Ruptured Eardrum Treatment in Carlsbad, CA
A tympanic membrane perforation is a hole in the eardrum. Many conditions can cause a tympanic membrane perforation. Middle ear infections (otitis media) can cause pus to accumulate behind the eardrum, which if not treated quickly, can build up middle ear pressure increasing your risk for a tympanic membrane rupture. Traumatic injuries, like scuba diving, a wave slapping against your ear or insertion of a Q-tip can also cause a tympanic membrane rupture.
A hole in the tympanic membrane can cause several different complications depending on the size of the hole and its location. You may experience hearing loss due to sound not reaching the inner ear. In general, the larger the hole the more hearing loss you may experience. Ear infections can occur due to water getting into the middle ear. It is important to keep the ear dry. One technique to keep the ear dry is to place a vaseline coated cotton ball in your outer ear canal while showering. You must avoid swimming until it has healed.
Can the Tympanic Membrane Heal Itself?

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