I have Frequent Nose Bleeds – do I Need to See a Doctor?

Woman suffering from frequent nosebleeds pinching her nose.

Nosebleeds are typically nothing more than a nuisance, especially aggravating because they can strike anytime and anywhere. It can be more than a little uncomfortable when a nose bleed occurs in a situation such as a family dinner or first date. Usually, those stop pretty fast, particularly if you apply a little direct pressure.

But nosebleeds are supposed to be uncommon. So if you’re dealing with nosebleeds fairly often, you might feel a little anxious. After all, from the time we’re young kids, we’re conditioned to associate bleeding with injury. So the idea that something might be wrong when your nose bleeds regularly is not unusual.

Frequent nosebleeds – what’s the cause?

You might be experiencing frequent nose bleeds for one or more of the following reasons.

Environmental causes: The most prevalent environmental reason for frequent nosebleeds is dry air. Dry air can irritate your nose, and trigger a bloody nose.

Behavior: Aggressively blowing your nose can trigger nosebleeds when done with enough consistency and intensity level.

Medication: Repeated nosebleeds can be caused by some medication. You should contact us about any medication you’re taking if you experiencing a spike in nosebleeds.

Structural issues: Sometimes, your nose is just shaped a little differently. These congenital problems can bring about more frequent nosebleeds in the long run.

Health conditions: Your body’s ability to clot blood can be inhibited by certain medical conditions. As a result of any of these conditions, you may experience regular nosebleeds.

Growths in the sinuses: In some instances, a polyp or tumor can grow inside your sinuses. When this occurs, recurring nosebleeds could result.

Colds and allergies: Sometimes, those mucus membranes can really dry out from an allergic reaction or a cold. And this can lead to, you guessed it, more persistent nosebleeds.

This list includes some fairly trivial health concerns, as well as some disconcerting ones. So in terms of nose bleeds, when is it time to seek help from your physician?

When to see your physician about your nosebleeds

The first thing to understand is that if you have any concerns about your nosebleeds, it’s a good plan to come see us. It’s always good to get some peace of mind! As a general rule, you should come see us if:

  • You haven’t seen a doctor before your current nosebleeds began.
  • They are occurring more frequently, or have become more difficult to stop.

If necessary, we will help you figure out how to stop your nosebleeds and also find their source.

When to get emergency care for your nosebleeds

There are some situations in which repeated nosebleeds can happen due to a serious or emergency condition. You should get immediate emergency care if:

  • Your nosebleeds are causing you to have difficulty breathing even through your mouth.
  • Your nosebleed creates more blood volume than you would expect. In other words, if the bleeding is alarmingly heavy, go to the emergency room.
  • Even after applying pressure for up to thirty minutes, your nose won’t stop bleeding.
  • A child younger than two has a nosebleed.
  • Your nosebleed is the result of or happens directly after trauma and injury.
  • It’s essential that you get someone else to drive you to the emergency room if you decide you need emergency treatment. That’s because blood loss can impact your ability to operate a motor vehicle.
  • Getting dizzy or losing consciousness while driving might make your medical situation significantly worse.

Listen to your nose

If you’re stressed about your repeated nosebleeds or something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s a smart idea to make an appointment. As a rule of thumb, if your nose bleeds 2-3 times a month, it’s likely something benign, such as allergies or dry air. But if getting bloody noses 4 (or more than 4) times in a week, that could suggest something more serious.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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