Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Professionally Repaired?

You go out of your way to ensure your hearing aids are well cared for. Cleaning them daily, you make sure they are safe and comfortable on their charger when you go to sleep. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids suddenly stop working the way they did once. Fortunately, there are a […]

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Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

If you’re still using your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also could be costing you in some ways. Hearing aid technology has progressed a great deal in the past few years! It’s changed to digital from analog, for one thing, and there are features now that weren’t […]

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The History of Hearing Aids

There are three sorts of people out there: people who find history to be amazingly interesting, people who think history is terribly boring, and those who think history is full of aliens. The history of hearing aids is not about aliens (sorry not sorry). But the real story is probably pretty strange as well. After […]

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If You want to Enjoy Your Life, Keep that Hearing Aid Turned on!

As we get older, we all know that hearing loss and certain mental health challenges can worsen despite a healthy, active lifestyle. And a strong connection between the two has been discovered by scientists which should never be overlooked. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. Depression is twice as likely in people who are […]

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The Top Ten Advantages of Using Hearing Aids

Even when it’s fairly minor, hearing loss can have a big impact on your life. The way you connect with friends, coworkers, and loved ones can change substantially. Everyday activities like going to the supermarket can become more challenging. But it doesn’t need to have this type of negative impact on you. If you utilize […]

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Why Hearing Aids Aren’t “One Size Fits All”

Every case of hearing loss is unique You should not expect your experience with hearing impairment to be precisely the same as someone else who may have the same hearing loss condition. Each case of hearing loss is unique. While you might be able to relate to someone else with hearing loss, keep in mind […]

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Can Hearing Loss Cause Sensitivity to Loud Sounds?

You know that it can be a challenge to get your partner’s attention if they have neglected hearing loss. First, you try to say their name. You say “Greg”, but you get no answer because you used an indoor volume level. You try saying Greg’s name a little louder and still no reply. So you […]

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Every New Hearing Aid Owner Tends to Make These 9 Errors

Congratulations! Modern hearing aids are an impressive piece of technology, and you’ve recently become the proud owner of a shiny new pair. But, just like with any new device, there will be things that hearing aid owners wish somebody had informed them about. Let’s go over nine common mistakes new hearing aid owners make and […]

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